Native Ads: ApplovinMax

Integrate native ads (AppLovinMax)

To use Applovin’s native ads you need to do the following:

  • Native ad assets are required to be encapsulated within a parent view of a specific type MaxNativeAdView.

  • The same view must be passed to AATKit via the NativeAdData method: attachToLayout.

  • Assign unique IDs to the native ad assets' Views in the layout file. These IDs will be used in the next integration step.

  • Bind the subviews using the assigned IDs using an instance of MaxNativeAdViewBinder. AppLovin does not guarantee a network will return certain assets.

MaxNativeAdViewBinder maxNativeAdViewBinder;
maxNativeAdViewBinder = new MaxNativeAdViewBinder.Builder(R.layout.your_layout_for_applovinmax_native_ad)
    .setTitleTextViewId( )
    .setBodyTextViewId( )
    .setAdvertiserTextViewId( )
    .setIconImageViewId( )
    .setOptionsContentViewGroupId( )
    .setCallToActionButtonId( )
appLovinContainerView = new MaxNativeAdView(maxNativeAdViewBinder, activity);
  • Next, call attachToLayout when you need to display the ad.

nativeAd.attachToLayout(appLovinContainerView, null, null, null);

Last updated