class AATKitDebugScreenConfiguration {
var appLogoDrawable: Drawable? = null
private set
var appLogoFromResources: Int? = null
private set
var title: String?
private set
* Show bundle identifier. Default value is true
var showBundleId: Boolean = true
* Show test mode data. Default value is true
var showTestMode: Boolean = true
* Show loaded/loading ads. Default value is true
var showLoadedAndLoadingAds: Boolean = true
* Show available ad networks. Default value is true
var showAvailableNetworks: Boolean = true
* Show disabled ad networks. Default value is true
var showDisabledNetworks: Boolean = true
* Show removed ad networks. Default value is true
var showRemovedNetworkSDKs: Boolean = true
* Show unsupported ad networks. Default value is true
var showUnsupportedNetworks: Boolean = true
* Show extra SDKs available. Default value is true
var showExtraSDKs: Boolean = true
* Show information about used consent. Default value is true
var showConsent: Boolean = true
* Show Advertising ID. Default value is true
var showAdvertisingId: Boolean = true
* Show device type. Default value is true
var showDeviceType: Boolean = true
* An email to share the debug information to.
var shareEmail: String? = null
* Create an AATDebugScreenConfiguration instance.
* @param appLogo - App Logo, as [Drawable].
* @param title - Shake debug screen title
appLogo: Drawable?,
title: String?
) {
this.appLogoDrawable = appLogo
this.title = title
* Create an AATDebugScreenConfiguration instance.
* @param appLogo - App Logo, as the drawable resource reference.
* @param title - Shake debug screen title
@DrawableRes appLogo: Int,
title: String?
) {
this.appLogoFromResources = appLogo
this.title = title
Last updated