Infeed Banner

Integrate Infeed Banners

Infeed banner placements are designed to serve ads in scrollable feeds (nevertheless, they can also be used in all other scenarios). This includes giving the app complete control over the lifecycle of a specific banner impression. The app can load an ad with a specific configuration and gets notified about the outcome of that specific load request (successful, failure). Hence, the usage of an infeed banner differs from using sticky banners.

Create Placement

To create an instance of InfeedBannerPlacement, use the following API:

BannerConfiguration configuration = new BannerConfiguration();
InfeedBannerPlacement placement = AATKit.createInfeedBannerPlacement("<PLACEMENT_NAME>", configuration);


BannerConfiguration can be configured with the number of workers and whether manual ad space counting is enabled.

  • Manual ad space counting (Please refer to our article about Ad Spaces.)

    • false (default): infeed banner placement counts an Ad Space every time the app requests an ad from it. Shall only be used, if the app is presenting banners immediately (= not caching them for later use).

    • true: the app needs to notify the infeed banner placement about every Ad Space it creates (= placement doesn’t count Ad Spaces itself). This is especially useful if the app implements its own banner caching (e.g. in order to create a smooth user experience for the feed). In this case, the app should notify the placement about an Ad Space only if the feed cell intended for presenting a banner is reaching the visible area of the screen (regardless of whether an ad was available for it or not). If this sounds interesting to you, we strongly advise visiting our chapter about AATKit’s Banner Cache.

    • To manually count an ad space, call the following InfeedBannerPlacement API:

// call it when Infeed Ad is about to be displayed
  • Number of workers

    • Default: 3

    • Defines, how many ads can be loaded in parallel. Higher numbers will result in faster ad delivery but also in more CPU and network traffic consumption

Listen to Callbacks (Optional)

Through the use of InfeedBannerPlacementListener, you can listen to the different placement callbacks.


Request Ad

The infeed banner placement uses the request completion listener (BannerRequestCompletionListener) to notify about successful ad load or failure. To request a banner, use the BannerRequest default initializer that takes an instance implementing BannerRequestDelegate as a parameter.

Configure AATBannerRequest

The banner request can be configured with:

  • A set of banner sizes of type BannerSize.

  • Targeting Information.

  • Content-targeting URL.

BannerRequest request = new BannerRequest(this);
Map<String, List<String>> targeting = new HashMap<>();
targeting.put("key", Arrays.asList("value1", "value2"));
Set<BannerSize> allowedBannerSizes = new HashSet<>();

request.setMultiContentTargetingUrls(Arrays.asList("URL1", "URL2"));

Perform Request

You can request multiple AATBannerRequest in parallel (i.e. the next one, before the previous one was completed).

BannerRequest request = new BannerRequest(this);
placement.requestAd(request, new BannerRequestCompletionListener() {
    public void onRequestCompleted(@Nullable BannerPlacementLayout layout, @Nullable BannerRequestError error) {
        if (error != null) {
            //ad failed to load
        // display the returned BannerPlacementLayout

Cancel Request

There might be pending ad requests when the user navigates to a different activity. You should cancel any pending requests when that happens.


Destroy old banner

When you no longer need a banner, you have to destroy it manually by removing it from your view and calling the "destroy" method:

[remove loadedMultiSizeBanner from your layout]

Ad Info

After loading a banner view, you can access the loaded ad information by accessing the adInfo property of the loaded banner view:

AdInfo adInfo = loadedBannerView.getAdInfo();

Complete Code Example

private InfeedBannerPlacement placement;

private void setUpInfeedBannerPlacement() {
    BannerConfiguration configuration = new BannerConfiguration();
    placement = AATKit.createInfeedBannerPlacement("<PLACEMENT_NAME>", configuration);

    // Set placement listener to listen to the callbacks

private void requestInfeedBanner() {
    // Create the banner request instance
    BannerRequest request = new BannerRequest(this);
    // Configure request banner sizes
    Set<BannerSize> allowedBannerSizes = new HashSet<>();
    // Configure request targeting information
    Map<String, List<String>> targeting = new HashMap<>();
    targeting.put("key", Arrays.asList("value1", "value2"));
    // Configure request targeting URL
    // Perform the ad request
    placement.requestAd(request, new BannerRequestCompletionListener() {
        public void onRequestCompleted(@Nullable BannerPlacementLayout layout, @Nullable BannerRequestError error) {
            if (error != null) {
                //ad failed to load
            // display the returned BannerPlacementLayout

protected void onResume() {
    // [IMPORTANT] Notify AATKit about activity lifecycle

protected void onPause() {
    // [IMPORTANT] Notify AATKit about activity lifecycle

// InfeedBannerPlacementListener:
public void onPauseForAd(@NonNull Placement placement) {
    // App is paused after banner got clicked

public void onResumeAfterAd(@NonNull Placement placement) {
    // Back to the app after clicking on the ad

// BannerRequestDelegate:
public boolean shouldUseTargeting(@NonNull BannerRequest request, @Nullable AdNetwork network) {
    return true;

Last updated