Google Mobile Ads SDK

Google requires their app-ID to be declared in the manifest. Please follow these instructions. In order to get the Google app-ID for you app, either find it within your own AdMob or AdManager account or contact our support.

Google App-ID Key

Follow Google documentation to add your Google app-ID key to the Manifest file.

AdMob Maximum Inline Banners Height

You can set the maximum height for AdMob inline adaptive banners by:

AATKitConfiguration conf = new AATKitConfiguration(this);
AATKitAdNetworkOptions networkOptions = new AATKitAdNetworkOptions();
// [...]
AdMobOptions adMobOptions = new AdMobOptions(50);

// [...]

DFP Maximum Inline Banners Height

You can set the maximum height for DFP inline adaptive banners by:

AATKitConfiguration conf = new AATKitConfiguration(this);
AATKitAdNetworkOptions networkOptions = new AATKitAdNetworkOptions();
// [...]
DFPOptions dfpOptions = new DFPOptions(50);

// [...]

Last updated