Vendor Consent

Handle consent using AATKit vendor consent


You should consider using AATKit’s Vendor Consent, in case you want to utilize a CMP that AATKit has not yet adapted with its ManagedConsent. In that case, you might want to pass individual consents (coming from your CMP) to specific non-IAB compliant ad networks/vendors.

To use it, you should pass an VendorConsent instance to the AATKitConfiguration object while initializing AATKit. The vendor consent instance should be initialized with an object implementing VendorConsentDelegate.

Vendor Consent will also automatically read the IAB consent string stored (by third-party CMP) in SharedPreferences (if available). This means that the value returned by getConsentForAddApptr will only be used if there is no IAB TCF2.0 consent stored.


private void configureAATKit() {
    AATKitConfiguration configuration = new AATKitConfiguration(this);
    Consent consent = new VendorConsent(this);

// VendorConsentDelegate implementation

public NonIABConsent getConsentForNetwork(@NonNull AdNetwork network) {
    switch (network) {
        case ADMOB:
            return NonIABConsent.OBTAINED
        case APPLOVIN:
            return NonIABConsent.WITHHELD
            return NonIABConsent.UNKNOWN

public NonIABConsent getConsentForAddapptr() {
    return NonIABConsent.OBTAINED;

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