Sourcepoint CMP


  • Add the Sourcepoint CMP dependency to your build.gradle:

implementation 'com.sourcepoint.cmplibrary:cmplibrary:7.8.4'

Make sure, your Sourcepoint CMP has been set up at its backend dashboard. Our support recommends certain vendors to be included in your server-side setup in order to yield optimal revenues. Please also refer to your Sourcepoint CMP’s documentation.


Follow the instructions in the Managed Consent introduction section.

Sourcepoint CMP needs an Activity instance when being created.

  • Create an instance of CMPSourcePoint (CMPSourcePoint implements CMPinterface).

  • Pass the created CMPSourcePoint instance while creating the ManagedConsent using the public constructor ManagedConsent(cmp: CMP, context: Context, delegate: ManagedConsent.ManagedConsentDelegate).

private ManagedConsent managedConsent;

public void onActivityReady(Activity activity) {
    if (managedConsent == null) { //we want to do it only once
        CMP cmp = new CMPSourcePoint(activity, <accountId>, <propertyId>, <propertyName>, <pmId>);
        managedConsent = new ManagedConsent(cmp, this, this);
        AATKitRuntimeConfiguration newConf = new AATKitRuntimeConfiguration();
        managedConsent.showIfNeededOrRejected(10, activity);

// ManagedConsentDelegate implementation
public void managedConsentNeedsUserInterface(@NonNull ManagedConsent managedConsent) {
    // CMP is loaded and ready to be shown
    // Show the CMP using active Activity
    managedConsent.showIfNeededOrRejected(10, <ACTIVITY_INSTANCE>);

public void managedConsentCMPFinished(@NonNull ManagedConsent.ManagedConsentState state) {
    // The user finished his action with CMP with the state as the user chosen state

public void managedConsentCMPFailedToLoad(@NonNull ManagedConsent managedConsent, String error) {
    // CMP failed to load with the error message.
    // Reload the CMP using the active Activity

public void managedConsentCMPFailedToShow(@NonNull ManagedConsent managedConsent, String error) {
    // CMP failed to show with the error message

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