Native ads are presented to the user via native Android UI components. This enables you to layout ad assets to match the look and feel of your app. When a placement loads a native ad, you can retrieve the native ad assets wrapped in an instance of type NativeAdData.
val placement = AATKit.createNativeAdPlacement("<PLACEMENT_NAME>", supportsMainImage)
The argument supportsMainImage determines if the placement will use the main image asset. Remember that if the main image is used, it must be displayed.
Listen to Callbacks
Through the use of NativePlacementListener, you can listen to the different placement callbacks.
placement.listener = this
Request Ad
To request a native ad, use the following API:
Retrieve the Native Ad
After receiving a native ad through the onHaveAd callback, you can retrieve the native ad data of type NativeAdData using the following API:
NativeAdData nativeAd = placement.getNativeAd();
val nativeAd = placement.getNativeAd()
Report adspace
For native placements, it is necessary to report ad spaces manually. Every time you want to display an native ad, call:
Ad Info
After loading a native ad, you can access the loaded ad information by accessing the adInfo property of the loaded nativeAd:
AdInfo adInfo = nativeAd.getAdInfo();
val info = nativeAd.adInfo
Retrieve the Native Assets
These so-called native assets can assemble your native ad, according to your app's look and feel. The following image shows an example native ad and the corresponding AATKit methods for retrieving each asset.
// Ad Title
// Ad Icon
String iconImageUrl = nativeAd.getIconUrl(); // You should download the icon image using this URL
// Ad Main Image
String mainImageURL = nativeAd.getImageUrl(); // You should download the main image using this URL
// Ad Body
// Ad Identifier
// Ad CTA Title
// Ad Rating
NativeAd.NativeAdRating rating = nativeAd.getRating();
if (rating != null) {
String ratingText = rating.getValue() + "/" + rating.getScale();
// Ad Title
titleView.text = nativeAd.title
// Ad Icon
val iconImageUrl = nativeAd.iconUrl // You should download the icon image using this URL
// Ad Main Image
val mainImageURL = nativeAd.imageUrl // You should download the main image using this URL
// Ad Body
descriptionView.text = nativeAd.description
// Ad Identifier
advertiserView.text = nativeAd.advertiser
// Ad CTA Title
ctaView.text = nativeAd.callToAction
// Ad Rating
val rating = nativeAd.rating
if (rating != null) {
val ratingText = "${rating.value}/${rating.scale}"
ratingView.text = ratingText
If the ad network provides a rating for the retrieved native ad, NativeAdData will provide it as an NativeAdRating instance.
Track Native Ad
A tracking view is a ViewGroup instance that is used by the ad network to track impressions and clicks. This means the instance is checked on runtime whether it's visible on the screen and an impression is counted accordingly. A click is also registered on the instance provided. Keep in mind that the ad networks track impressions based on a few conditions being met. A tracking view has to be visible for at least a few seconds on the screen (usually 1-2 seconds), plus a more significant portion of the ViewGroup instance has to be visible (usually ~50% of the view has to be visible). Tracking an impression and registering clicks is thus completely dependent on a tracking view being assigned to the native ad that has been provided by the AATKit.
To set the tracking view, use the NativeAdData method:
fun attachToLayout(layout: ViewGroup, mainImageView: View?, iconView: View?, ctaView: View?)
layout: The ViewGroup that will be used to track impressions and clicks.
Also, you must remove the tracking view from the native ad, when the native ad isn't needed anymore or is replaced.
Complete Code Example
private NativeAdPlacement nativeAdPlacement = AATKit.createNativeAdPlacement("<PLACEMENT_NAME>", true);
protected void onResume() {
// [IMPORTANT] Notify AATKit about activity lifecycle
// Set placement listener to listen to the callbacks
// Request a native ad
protected void onPause() {
// [IMPORTANT] Notify AATKit about activity lifecycle
// NativePlacementListener:
public void onHaveAd(@NonNull Placement placement) {
// Tha placement has loaded a new ad
NativeAdData nativeAd = nativeAdPlacement.getNativeAd();
if (nativeAd == null) {
// Prepare needed views
ViewGroup nativeAdView = (ViewGroup) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.your_native_ad_layout, null);
ImageView mainImageView = nativeAdView.findViewById(;
TextView titleView = nativeAdView.findViewById(;
ImageView iconView = nativeAdView.findViewById(;
TextView descriptionView = nativeAdView.findViewById(;
TextView ctaView = nativeAdView.findViewById(;
TextView advertiserView = nativeAdView.findViewById(;
// Report Ad Space
// Ad Title
// Ad Icon
loadImage(iconView, nativeAd.getIconUrl());
// Ad Main Image
loadImage(mainImageView, nativeAd.getImageUrl());
// Ad Body
// Ad Identifier
// Ad CTA Title
// Set the tracking view
nativeAd.attachToLayout(nativeAdView, mainImageView, iconView, ctaView);
// TODO: Present prepared ad on screen
public void onNoAd(@NonNull Placement placement) {
// The placement could not load a new ad
public void onPauseForAd(@NonNull Placement placement) {
// App is paused after native ad got clicked
public void onResumeAfterAd(@NonNull Placement placement) {
// Back to the app after clicking on the ad
// Image downloading logic
private void loadImage(ImageView imageView, String imageUrlString) {
if (imageUrlString == null) {
Thread downloadThread = new Thread(() -> {
final Bitmap bitmap = loadBitmap(imageUrlString);
if (bitmap != null) {
Handler h = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); -> imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap));
} else {
private static Bitmap loadBitmap(@NonNull String url) {
Bitmap bitmap;
try {
InputStream in = new URL(url).openStream();
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in);
} catch (Exception t) {
bitmap = null;
//failed to decode bitmap
return bitmap;
private val nativeAdPlacement: NativeAdPlacement? = AATKit.createNativeAdPlacement("<PLACEMENT_NAME>", true)
override fun onResume() {
// [IMPORTANT] Notify AATKit about activity lifecycle
// Set placement listener to listen to the callbacks
nativeAdPlacement?.listener = this
// Request a native ad
override fun onPause() {
// [IMPORTANT] Notify AATKit about activity lifecycle
// NativePlacementListener:
override fun onHaveAd(placement: Placement) {
// Tha placement has loaded a new ad
val nativeAd: NativeAdData = nativeAdPlacement.getNativeAd() ?: return
// Prepare needed views
val nativeAdView: ViewGroup = layoutInflater.inflate(android.R.layout.your_native_ad_layout, null) as ViewGroup
val mainImageView: ImageView = nativeAdView.findViewById(
val titleView: TextView = nativeAdView.findViewById(
val iconView: ImageView = nativeAdView.findViewById(
val descriptionView: TextView = nativeAdView.findViewById(
val ctaView: TextView = nativeAdView.findViewById(
val advertiserView: TextView = nativeAdView.findViewById(
// Report Ad Space
// Ad Title
titleView.text = nativeAd.title
// Ad Icon
loadImage(iconView, nativeAd.iconUrl)
// Ad Main Image
loadImage(mainImageView, nativeAd.imageUrl)
// Ad Body
descriptionView.text = nativeAd.description
// Ad Identifier
advertiserView.text = nativeAd.advertiser
// Ad CTA Title
ctaView.text = nativeAd.callToAction
// Set the tracking view
nativeAd.attachToLayout(nativeAdView, mainImageView, iconView, ctaView)
// TODO: Present prepared ad on screen
override fun onNoAd(placement: Placement) {
// The placement could not load a new ad
override fun onPauseForAd(placement: Placement) {
// App is paused after native ad got clicked
override fun onResumeAfterAd(placement: Placement) {
// Back to the app after clicking on the ad
// Image downloading logic
private fun loadImage(imageView: ImageView, imageUrlString: String?) {
if (imageUrlString == null) {
val downloadThread = Thread {
val bitmap: Bitmap? = loadBitmap(imageUrlString)
if (bitmap != null) {
val h = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) { imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) }
} else {
private fun loadBitmap(url: String): Bitmap? {
val bitmap: Bitmap?
bitmap = try {
val `in`: InputStream = URL(url).openStream()
} catch (t: Exception) {
//failed to decode bitmap
return bitmap