
 * Placement used for obtaining banner ads.
interface InfeedBannerPlacement : Placement {

     * Set the [placement listener][InfeedBannerPlacementListener] that will listen to ad loading and display events.
    var listener: InfeedBannerPlacementListener?

     * Sets the [statistics listener][AATKit.StatisticsListener] that will be notified about placement reporting events, like counted adspace, request etc.
    var statisticsListener: AATKit.StatisticsListener?

     * Sets the [impression listener][ImpressionListener] for the given placement.
    var impressionListener: ImpressionListener?

     * Setting for Google collapsible banners. Default is null, meaning disabled support for collapsible banners.
    var collapsibleBannerOptions: CollapsibleBannerOptions?

     * Requests a new banner ad.
     * @param request [BannerRequest] instance. Can not be null.
     * @param listener [BannerRequestCompletionListener] instance that will be called when the request finishes. Can not be null.
    fun requestAd(request: BannerRequest, listener: BannerRequestCompletionListener?)

     * Cancels the given banner request.
     * @param request Request that should be canceled.
    fun cancel(request: BannerRequest)

     * Counts the adspace for statistics. Can only be called if manual adspace counting is used.
     * @see BannerConfiguration.isManualAdSpaceCounting
    fun countAdSpace()
     * Enables the banner creative history.
    fun enableCreativeHistory(size: Int)

     * Retrieves the banner creative history (if it was enabled).
    fun getCreativeHistory(): Array<PlacementHistoryInfo>?

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