@objc public protocol AATBannerRequestDelegate {
/// Check if the request should use the targeting information or not for an ad network
/// - Parameter request: an instance of ``AATBannerRequest``
/// - Parameter network: an ``AATAdNetwork``
func shouldUseTargeting(for request: AATBannerRequest, network: AATAdNetwork) -> Bool
@protocol AATBannerRequestDelegate
/// Check if the request should use the targeting information or not for an ad network
/// \param request an instance of <code>AATBannerRequest</code>
/// \param network an <code>AATAdNetwork</code>
- (BOOL)shouldUseTargetingFor:(AATBannerRequest * _Nonnull)request network:(enum AATAdNetwork)network SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
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