Swift Package Manager
Add AATKit to your app using Swift Package Manager
Last updated
Add AATKit to your app using Swift Package Manager
Last updated
A swift package manager that wraps AATKit and ad networks.
Open your Xcode project, navigate the File tab within the macOS bar, and click on “Add Packages”.
Enter https://github.com/AddApptr/AATKitSPM
in the URL field and choose AATKitSPM.
Switch to the exact version and enter the AATKit version (see for the latest stable version).
Click on next and wait until fetching is completed.
Now there are 2 ways of integration:
Select AATKit-Core
and AATKit-Default
Select AATKit-Core
Select the ad networks you want by selecting AATKit-<ADNETWORK>
(Replace <ADNETWORK> with the proper Ad Network).
You have to add -ObjC
to your build settings (Other Linker Flags) by following these steps:
Click on the project navigator.
Click on your target and build settings.
Search for "other linker flags".
Add -ObjC
Please configure your Google Mobile Ads SDK as described here.