Ad Space and Fill Rate
An ad space represents the intention to display a new ad within your application. You can also call it an app-created opportunity to show a new ad.
The total of created ad spaces is the “runtime inventory” of your app. It totally depends on the ad integration, the frequency capping and the number of user sessions of your app and their durations.
Ad spaces are the denominator of the fill rate calculation in our Dashboard:
AATKit counts and reports ad spaces for banners, fullscreens (and rewarded videos), and native ads in different ways due to the different nature of these placements.
Sticky and Multi-Size Banner
For sticky and multi-size banners, we have to distinguish between manual reloading and auto-reloading.
Manual reloading
Once an app calls the method
AATKit counts an ad space. The assumption is that the app wants to display a banner when it manually calls reload.
By default, AATKit counts an ad space every 30s. If you make use of frequency capping, the interval of counting an ad space is the “minimum delay” that you set. By using frequency capping, you deliberately limit the number of possible ad spaces.
Infeed Banner
Infeed banner placement reports ad spaces either automatically or manually.
Automatically (default)
Infeed banner placement counts an Ad Space every time the app requests an ad from it. Shall only be used, if the app is presenting banners immediately (= not caching them for later use).
The app needs to notify the infeed banner placement about every Ad Space it creates (= placement doesn’t count Ad Spaces itself). This is especially useful if the app implements its own banner caching (e.g. in order to create a smooth user experience for the feed). In this case, the app should notify the placement about an Ad Space only if the feed cell intended for presenting a banner reaches the visible area of the screen (regardless of whether an ad was available for it or not).
To use the manual Ad Space counting, please see the AATInfeedBannerPlacement
configuration section.
Banner Cache
The banner cache automatically takes care of correct ad space counting (it counts an ad space whenever you try to consume an ad because we assume, you only consume an ad when you need to present it right now).
Fullscreen (Interstitial) and Rewarded Video
When the app calls the show method:
AATKit counts an ad space (irrespectively of the fact whether an ad could previously be loaded or not) unless frequency capping is applied: if your frequency capping just allows e.g. one impression per hour, AATKit will also count one ad space per hour at max. By using frequency capping, you deliberately limit the number of possible ad spaces.
Native Ad
Since apps may cache native ads, they need to tell AATKit when to count an ad space. Usually, this would be appropriate at the moment, when the app intends to present a native ad on the screen.
Misc: If a developer does not communicate an ad space, our backend automatically sets the number of ad spaces equal to the number of impressions (resulting in a 100% fill rate).
Last updated