Add, import, and configure AATKit
Configure AATKit
Before loading ads, the app must initialize AATKit first. This only needs to be done once per app session, ideally at the app launch. You should call the initAATKit(with configuration: AATConfiguration?)
as early as possible to ensure optimal ad performance.
Call the initialization method with an AATConfiguration instance which contains the necessary configuration data needed to initialize AATKit. Through AATDelegate, you can listen to AATKit callbacks such as obtaining mediation rules from the backend or unknown bundleID events.
You can add some extra configurations for some ad networks using AATAdNetworksOptions. For more information, see Ad Networks section.
Reconfigure AATKit
AATKit enables reconfiguring it at runtime. This might be needed for some cases like reacting to consent changes or geo-location settings changes. To reconfigure AATKit, use the reconfigure public API passing an instance of AATRuntimeConfiguration.
Test Mode
AATKit’s test mode provides ads even before your app has been set up at Gravite. This is convenient for testing your integration Please use your testModeAccountId
to activate the test mode. Set the testModeAccountId
in your AATConfiguration object. The testModeAccountId
will be sent to you via email after registering at Gravite.
Make sure to remove the testModeAccountId
from your AATConfiguration
object, before you publish your app to the AppStore. Otherwise, your app will not earn any ad revenue.
Using an Alternative bundle ID
Gravite recognizes and identifies your app using its bundle ID. Should you need to use a different bundle ID for publishing or testing or other purposes, you can override the default bundle ID of your app by setting an "alternative bundle ID" for the AATConfiguration object. But: before you can use the alternative bundle ID properly, please make sure that our support has set up your app for the alternative bundle ID, as this is not a standard procedure.
AATKit will do dashboard reporting using your alternative bundle ID by default if you set it.
If for any reason reporting should still be done using your app's real bundle Id, you can set the shouldReportUsingAlternativeBundleId
property of the AATConfiguration object to false.
If you decide to use an alternative bundle ID, please contact our support.
Handling (multiple) View Controllers
Set the currently active view controller for AATKit before requesting ads from placements. You should set the view controller in your view controller viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)
lifecycle method.
Placements will not start loading ads before having the current view controller passed to AATKit.
Set the Current View Controller
Remove the Current View Controller
Log Levels
AATKit supports the following log levels:
Verbose-level messages are intended to capture verbose, debug, info, warning and error messages. It’s convenient in an intensive development environment.
Debug-level messages are intended to capture debug, info, warning and error messages. It’s convenient in a normal development environment.
Info-level messages are intended to capture info, warning and error messages. Info-level may be helpful but isn’t enough for troubleshooting.
Warn-level messages are intended to capture warning and error messages only.
Error-level messages are intended to capture error messages only.
Last updated