Shake Debug

By default, AATKit will display a popup box with information about AATKit’s version and the currently visible ads whenever the user has heavily shaken the device. You can disable or enable this behaviour after initializing AATKit.

Debug screen will not be presented on top of fullscreen ads. Instead, once the ad is closed, the debug screen will have information about last presented fullscreen ad.

We encourage you to keep the shake debug enabled to track down possible bad-quality ads.

Enable Shake Debug

// [IMPORTANT] AATKit must be initialised first
let configuration = AATConfiguration()
AATSDK.initAATKit(with: configuration)

Disable Shake Debug

// [IMPORTANT] AATKit must be initialised first
let configuration = AATConfiguration()
AATSDK.initAATKit(with: configuration)

Customize Shake Debug

You can control which data should be displayed in the shake debug screen by the following:

let debugScreenConfiguration = AATDebugScreenConfiguration(appLogo: <LOGO_IMAGE>,
                                                           title: <TITLE>,
                                                           showBundleId: true,
                                                           showTestMode: true,
                                                           showLoadedAndLoadingAds: true,
                                                           showDisabledNetworks: true,
                                                           showRemovedNetworkSDKs: true,
                                                           showDeviceType: true,
                                                           showExtraSDKs: true,
                                                           showConsent: true,
                                                           showIDFA: true)
debugScreenConfiguration.shareEmail = "<YOUR_SUPPORT_EMAIL_ADDRESS>" // Optional
AATSDK.configureDebugScreen(configuration: debugScreenConfiguration)

The shareEmail field is the one used in the shake debug screen for sharing current session's debug info.

Retrieve Debug Info

You can retrieve the debug info that will be displayed on the shake debug screen by using the following API:

// Retrieve debug info as an AATDebugInfo instance
let debugInfo = AATSDK.getDebugInfoObject()
// Retrieve debug info as a string
let debugInfoString = AATSDK.getDebugInfo()

Last updated