Fullscreen (Interstitial)

Integrate Fullscreen Ads

Fullscreen placements are interstitial ads covering the whole screen of the device. Hence, it might be important to tell your app to stop running, e.g. if it is a car gaming app, or to resume when the interstitial was dismissed by the user. You can configure frequency capping for fullscreen placements within the Dashboard (e.g. show not more than 1 impression per hour), so you don’t need to implement frequency capping yourself.

Create Placement

To create an instance of AATFullscreenPlacement, use the following API:

var placement = AATSDK.createFullscreenPlacement(name: "<placement_name>")

Listen to Callbacks (Optional)

Through the use of AATFullscreenPlacementDelegate, you can listen to the different placement callbacks.

placement.delegate = self

Request Ad

You can load ads for the fullscreen placement either automatically or manually. We strongly recommend using the auto reload for fullscreen ads, because a fullscreen should be ready to present when the app triggers its presentation.

Automatic Reload

To automatically load a fullscreen placement, call:


This way the fullscreen placement will always aim to have an ad ready. Please also remember to stop the auto-reload when it is no longer needed:

The fullscreen placement fires aatHaveAd(:) delegate method only once per loaded ad. So, Before starting the auto-reload, you should check for ads from the previous load/auto-reload using the placement has ad API.

Manual Load

To manually load the fullscreen placement, call:


Display Ad

We strongly recommend calling show() whenever the user triggers the respective event (e.g. clicks a button, starts the next game, and so on). This will ensure proper fill rate statistics on the Dashboard. Do not call show() only, if an ad was loaded successfully before, otherwise, your fill rate statistics will be 100% all the time.

Call show() when your app shall present the fullscreen ad:


The show() method will return a bool value indicating whether the fullscreen placement could be displayed or not. This means whether the fullscreen placement has a ready fullscreen ad or not.

Ad Info

After loading a fullscreen ad, you can access the loaded ad information by accessing the adInfo property of the fullscreen placement:

func aatHaveAd(placement: AATPlacement) {
    // The placement has loaded a new ad
    let adInfo = self.placement?.adInfo

Has Ad

The fullscreen placement provides an API to check if it has a loaded ad.

let hasAd = placement.hasAd()

Complete Code Example

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    // Create the placement
    var placement = AATSDK.createFullscreenPlacement(name: "<placement_name>")
    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        // [IMPORTANT] Notify AATKit about the currently active view controller
        AATSDK.controllerViewDidAppear(controller: self)
        // Set placement delegate to listen to the callbacks
        placement.delegate = self
        // Start autoreloading the placement.
    override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
        // [IMPORTANT] Remove the currently active view controller
        // [IMPORTANT] Stop placement autoreload
    @IBAction func startNewGame(_ sender: UIButton) {
        // An example for showing the fullscreen ad when the user clicks on "start new game"
extension ViewController: AATFullscreenPlacementDelegate {
    func aatHaveAd(placement: AATPlacement) {
        // The placement has loaded a new ad
    func aatNoAd(placement: AATPlacement) {
        // The placement could not load a new ad
    func aatAdCurrentlyDisplayed(placement: AATPlacement) {
        // Ad has been displayed on the screen
    func aatResumeAfterAd(placement: AATPlacement) {
        // Back to the app

Last updated