
@objc public class AATBannerCacheConfiguration: NSObject {
    /// The banner cache delegate that would be notified with the first loaded banner
    @objc public weak var delegate: AATBannerCacheDelegate?

    /// An instance of ``AATBannerRequestDelegate`` that should provide the targeting information
    @objc public weak var bannerRequestDelegate: AATBannerRequestDelegate?
    /// A Bool that defines if the cache should load an additional ad at the beginning. False by default
    @objc public var shouldCacheAdditionalAdAtStart: Bool = true
    /// An instance of AATBannerRequest that will be used in requesting banner ads from the AATInfeedBannerPlacement.
    @objc public var requestConfiguration: AATBannerRequest = AATBannerRequest()

    /// Represents the minimum delay between two banner consumptions in seconds
    @objc public var minDelay: TimeInterval = 1

    /// Init the ``AATBannerCacheConfiguration`` object
    /// - Parameter placementName: the placement name
    /// - Parameter size: the desired cache size
    public init(placementName: String, size: Int)

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