Ad Quality

AdQuality is supported only with AATKit version 3.10.x and later.

For better ad experience, AATKit added support for ad quality management of fullscreen and rewarded video formats using AppHarbr.

If you have an own AppHarbr account, you can use this feature by following the below steps.

For better ad experience, AATKit added support for ad quality management in fullscreen and rewarded video formats using AppHarbr SDK.

Integration Steps:

  • Add AppHarbr to your Podfile: pod 'AATKit/AppHarbr'

  • Create an ad quality manager instance:

    • let adQualityManager = AATAppHarbrManager(key: "<APPHARBR_KEY>")

  • Pass the ad quality manager to the AAT configuration:

    let configuration = AATConfiguration()
    configuration.adQualityManager = adQualityManager
    AATSDK.initAATKit(with: configuration)
  • Faulty ads are automatically discarded, and AATKit will move to the next rule in the waterfall.

  • Optional: You can get notified of the faulty ads by making your class conform to AATAdQualityDelegate and pass it to the fullscreen/RV placement:

    • placement?.adQualityDelegate = self

    • You will be notified via the following delegate methods:

      @objc public protocol AATAdQualityDelegate {
          func didAdIncident(placement: AATPlacement, blockReasons: [String], reportReasons: [String], adNetworkSdk: AATAdNetwork)
          func didAdIncidentOnDisplay(placement: AATPlacement, blockReasons: [String], reportReasons: [String], adNetworkSdk: AATAdNetwork) -> Boolfunc didAdIncidentOnDisplay(placement: AATPlacement, blockReasons: [String], reportReasons: [String], adNetworkSdk: AATAdNetwork)
          func didAdVerified(placement: AATPlacement, adNetworkSdk: AATAdNetwork)
          func didAdNotVerified(placement: AATPlacement, error: Error, adNetworkSdk: AATAdNetwork)

Last updated