
Add AATKit to your Unity app

Import package

  • Download and unpack

  • Open your project in Unity editor.

  • Remove old AATKit plugin version if previously used (see Updating plugin section).

  • Import the AATKitUnity.unitypackage file to your project.

  • Make sure your project uses custom mainTemplate.gradle file. To achieve this enable Custom Main Gradle Template in Player Settings -> Settings for Android -> Publishing Settings.

  • Make sure your project uses custom file. To achieve this enable Custom Gradle Properties Template in Player Settings -> Settings for Android -> Publishing Settings.

  • Unity 2022.3 or newer: Make sure your project uses custom file. To achieve this enable Custom Gradle Settings Template in Player Settings -> Settings for Android -> Publishing Settings.

  • In the scene where you want to display ads, add the AATKit prefab object from the Assets/AATKit/Prefabs directory.

  • If you don't want to include all networks to your application, please see how to disable some by AATKitSettings asset.


Once you imported the plugin into Unity, you should be ready to build your project. Click File -> Build Settings, select the Android platform, then Switch Platform. Select desired Build System and click Build.


To generate your project for iOS, click File -> Build Settings, select the iOS platform, then Switch Platform and click Build. All required files should be added automatically to you project. If project fails to build make sure that aatkit postprocess script always run after other scripts. Find AATKit/SDK/Editor/AATKitPostprocess.cs file and modify [PostProcessBuild(999)] to another high number to make it run last.

Updating the plugin

Before updating the plugin make sure you have deleted the old Assets/AATKit plugin folder to avoid problems with duplicated libraries.

Last updated