
Add RTBSDK to your app using Cocoapods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Xcode projects (Swift and Objective-C). Please refer to for general information on how to set up podfiles.

Integration Steps

  • Make sure you have CocoaPods installed: gem install cocoapods.

  • In the terminal app, navigate to the project directory and call pod init to create a podfile.

  • Make sure you have an updated copy of the spec repository: pod repo update.

  • In your podfile, add RTBSDK like the following:

target '<Target Name>' do
  • Make sure you have quit Xcode.

  • In the terminal app, navigate to the project directory and call pod install.

  • Now, open the new Xcode Workspace: open ProjectName.xcworkspace.

  • Import RTBSDK in the project files:

import RTBSDK

Last updated