@objc public class RTBNativeAdLoader : NSObject {
/// The ``RTBNativeAdLoaderDelegate`` that will be notified with the load events
@objc public weak var delegate: RTBNativeAdLoaderDelegate?
/// load a new native ad with configuration. Can be called from background threads.
/// - Parameter configuration: native ad request configuration that is needed to request a new Ad, see ``RTBBannerRequestConfiguration``
/// - Parameter userAgent: user agent
@objc public func load(configuration: RTBNativeAdRequestConfiguration, userAgent: String)
/// load a new native ad with configuration. Must be called from the main thread.
/// - Parameter configuration: native ad request configuration that is needed to request a new Ad, see ``RTBBannerRequestConfiguration``
@objc public func load(configuration: RTBNativeAdRequestConfiguration)
/// Gets the native ad data
/// - Returns: An instance of ``RTBNativeAd``
@objc public func getNativeAd() -> RTBNativeAd?
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