AppLovin Custom Adapter
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GraviteRTBAppLovinMediationAdapter is a Gravite framework that implements AppLovin custom adapter. It supports the following ad formats:
In the MAX Dashboard, select MAX > Mediation > Manage > Networks. Then click Click here to add a Custom Network at the bottom of the page. The Create Custom Network page appears. Add the information about RTBSDK custom network:
Network Type: choose SDK.
iOS Adapter Class Name: RTBSDKAppLovinMediationAdapter
Please contact your Gravite account manager to agree on the following parameters, as some need to be created on our end.
Set the "App ID" to the itunes app id.
Set the "placement ID" to the Gravite Marketplace placement ID as forwarded to you by your Gravite account manager.
Optional: set the seller id and the bid floor values in the "Custom Parameters" field to {"sellerId": "<SELLER_ID_VALUE>", "bidFloor": <BID_FLOOR_VALUE> }
is the seller id value and BID_FLOOR_VALUE
is the bid floor value.
Add AppLovin and GraviteRTBAppLovinMediationAdapter to your Podfile: pod 'RTBSDK/AppLovinCustomAdapter', '<RTBSDK_VERSION>'
(this will install AppLovin, GraviteRTBAppLovinMediationAdapter and RTBSDK).
Integrate with AppLovin fullscreen and banner formats following their AppLovin documentation.
If your integration is successfully done, you should see logs with this pattern [GraviteRTBAppLovinMediationAdapter - RTBSDK]:
while testing your integration. If not, please revisit your dashboard and the above steps again.
The publisher requests an ad (Banner or Fullscreen) normally from AppLovin SDK (To learn how to request an ad from AppLovin, please visit AppLovin documentation).
AppLovin internally calls GraviteRTBAppLovinMediationAdapter asking for an ad.
GraviteRTBAppLovinMediationAdapter internally calls RTBSDK asking for an ad.
When RTBSDK responds, GraviteRTBAppLovinMediationAdapter would notify AppLovin with the response using the AppLovin custom adapter delegate methods. And in return, AppLovin will notify you of the response using the normal AppLovin callback.