Separate Loading and Rendering of Banner Ads

The RTBBannerAdProvider offers the app full control over the lifecycle of individual banner ad impressions. It allows the app to load a banner ad independently, with the option to render it at a later time. By loading an ad with a specific configuration, the app receives notifications about the result of that load request through the RTBBannerAdLoadDelegate. As a result, the RTBBannerAdProvider is used differently from the RTBBannerView.

Request Ad

To load a banner ad, you will need to pass an instance of RTBBannerRequestConfiguration with placementID and the bundleId. Please contact our support to get the needed IDs.

let configuration = RTBBannerRequestConfiguration(placementId: <PLACEMENT_ID>, iTunesAppId: <ITUNES_APP_ID>)
configuration.sellerId = "<SELLERID>" // Optional
configuration.bidFloor = <BID_FLOOR>  // Optional (in USD)
RTBBannerAdProvider.load(configuration: configuration, size: .banner320x50, userAgent: "<USER_AGENT>", loadDelegate: self)

You will be notified about the loading success or failure through the RTBBannerAdLoadDelegate instance passed as loadDelegate. If the ad loads successfully, you will obtain RTBBannerBid instance that can later be used to obtain the banner view.

Get Loaded Banner View

Once the banner is loaded and the method bannerAdDidReceiveAd(bannerBid: RTBBannerBid) is called, you can get the loaded banner view by calling the RTBBannerAdProvider.getBannerView(bannerBid: bannerBid, delegate: self) method passing the received RTBBannerBid instance. You can also pass optional delegate that will be notified about banner events like clicks.

func bannerAdDidReceiveAd(bannerBid: RTBSDK.RTBBannerBid) {
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        guard let bannerView = RTBBannerAdProvider.getBannerView(bannerBid: bannerBid, delegate: self) else {
        let price = bannerBid.priceCPM // in USD
        let bidder = bannerBid.bidder
        // Adjust and display the banner view

The currency of bidFloor and priceCPM parameters is USD.

Complete Code Example

import RTBSDK

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        // Prepare request configurations
        let configuration = RTBBannerRequestConfiguration(placementId: <PLACEMENT_ID>, iTunesAppId: <ITUNES_APP_ID>)
        configuration.sellerId = "<SELLERID>" // Optional
        configuration.bidFloor = <BID_FLOOR>  // Optional

        // Request a banner ad
        RTBBannerAdProvider.load(configuration: configuration, size: .banner320x50, userAgent: "<USER_AGENT>", loadDelegate: self)

extension ViewController: RTBBannerAdLoadDelegate {
    func bannerAdDidReceiveAd(bidInfo: RTBBidInfo, networkName: String) {
        // A banner ad has been loaded
        guard let bannerView = RTBBannerAdProvider.getBannerView(bannerBid: bannerBid, delegate: self) else {
        // Display the banner view

extension ViewController: RTBBannerAdInteractionDelegate {
    func bannerAdDidRecordClick() {
        // The banner received a click

    func bannerAdDidPauseForAd() {
        // The app paused after the user clicked on the ad and opened Safari app

    func bannerAdDidResumeAfterAd() {
        // The app resumed after returning from Safari as a result of user click

    func bannerAdDidFailToRender(error: String) {
       // Failed to render e banner ad

Last updated