AdMob Custom Events
AdMob Custom Event is supported from version 1.5.0
GraviteRTBAdMobMediationAdapter is a Gravite framework that implements AdMob custom events. It supports the following ad formats:
Native Ads
How GraviteRTBAdMobMediationAdapter Works
Publishers must prepare their AdMob dashboard by adding custom events to their mediation (See Google instructions Add a custom event).
GraviteRTB Mediation Adapter Implements AdMob custom events delegates.
The publisher requests an ad (Banner, Fullscreen or NativeAd) from GoogleMobileAds (To learn how to request an ad from GoogleMobileAds, please visit Google’s documentation).
GoogleMobileAds internally calls GraviteRTB Mediation Adapter asking for an ad.
GraviteRTB Mediation Adapter internally calls RTBSDK asking for an ad.
When RTBSDK responds, GraviteRTB Mediation Adapter will notify GoogleMobileAds with the response using the AdMob custom events delegate methods. And in return, GoogleMobileAds will notify you of the response using the normal GoogleMobileAds callback.
Integration steps
Step 1: Set Up Mediation in the AdMob Dashboard
Log in to your AdMob dashboard and navigate to "Mediation" in the left menu.
Create a new mediation group for each ad format you plan to use.
Ensure you select the correct ad unit used in your application during the GoogleMobileAds integration.
Open the newly created mediation group and add a Custom Event.
Edit the custom event and specify the appropriate class name for your ad format:
Banner ads:
.Interstitial ads:
.Native ads:
In the "Mediation" section under the "Waterfall Sources" tab, click on "Manage Mapping" and add the following data to the "Parameter" field:
bundleId": "<bundle_id>", "placementId": <integer_placement_id>, "sellerId": "<seller_id>"}
, and<seller_id>
with the appropriate values for your app.This data is used by the Gravite RTBSDK to load ads:
are required.sellerId
is optional.
Step 2: Add Gravite AdMob Mediation Adapter
Integrate GraviteRTB AdMob MediationAdapter:
Edit your main
file, adding necessary repository:Integrate RTBSDK AdMob Mediation Adapter
To add RTBSDK AdMob Mediation Adapter add the following dependency in your app's
Step 3: Integrate Google Ad Formats
Follow the Google Mobile Ads SDK documentation to integrate the ad formats you wish to use.
Last updated