This guide shows how to integrate native ads of RTBSDK into your app.
Create RTBNativeAdLoader
First, create an instance of RTBNativeAdLoader , passing context instance and implementation of RTBNativeAdLoadDelegate
val loader = RTBNativeAdLoader(context, loadListener)
Request Ad
To load an ad, you will need to pass an instance of RTBNativeAdRequestConfiguration with placementID and the bundleId. Please contact our support to get the needed IDs.
Once the ad is loaded and the method nativeAdDidReceiveAd is called, you can get the needed native ad assets and assemble your view.
override fun nativeAdDidReceiveAd(nativeAd: RTBNativeAd, bidInfo: RTBBidInfo, networkName: String) {
// Prepare your layout for native ad
val adView: View = findViewById(
val iconView = adView.findViewById<ImageView>(
val mainImageView = adView.findViewById<ImageView>(
val titleView = adView.findViewById<TextView>(
val descriptionView = adView.findViewById<TextView>(
val callToActionView = adView.findViewById<TextView>(
// Fill the views with native ad assets
nativeAd.iconUrl?.let {
loadBitmapForView(it, iconView)
nativeAd.imageUrl?.let {
loadBitmapForView(it, mainImageView)
titleView.text = nativeAd.title
descriptionView.text = nativeAd.body
callToActionView.text = nativeAd.callToAction
(Optional) Use InteractionDelegate
If you are interested in native ad interaction events like clicks, you can pass optional RTBNativeAdInteractionDelegate to native ad instance
nativeAd.listener = yourListener
Track Native Ad
To make sure impression reporting and click handling is handled, call trackImpression method on native ad instance, passing the view used for rendering it.
Complete Code Example
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Prepare native ad loader
val loader = RTBNativeAdLoader(this, createLoadListener())
// Prepare request configurations
val request = RTBNativeAdRequestConfiguration(placementId, bundleId)
request.sellerId = "<SELLERID>" // Optional
// Request an ad
private fun createLoadListener(): RTBNativeAdLoadDelegate {
return object : RTBNativeAdLoadDelegate {
override fun nativeAdDidReceiveAd(nativeAd: RTBNativeAd, bidInfo: RTBBidInfo, networkName: String) {
// Ad had been loaded
// Optionally - examine bid details:
val priceCPM = bidInfo.priceCPM
// Optionally - set interaction listener
native.listener = createInteractionListener()
// Render the native ad and start tracking
override fun nativeAdDidFailToReceiveAd(errorMessage: String, networkName: String) {
// Failed to load an ad
private fun renderNativeAd(ad: RTBNativeAd) {
// Prepare your layout for native ad
val adView: View = findViewById(
val iconView = adView.findViewById<ImageView>(
val mainImageView = adView.findViewById<ImageView>(
val titleView = adView.findViewById<TextView>(
val descriptionView = adView.findViewById<TextView>(
val callToActionView = adView.findViewById<TextView>(
// Fill the views with native ad assets
ad.iconUrl?.let {
loadBitmapForView(it, iconView)
ad.imageUrl?.let {
loadBitmapForView(it, mainImageView)
titleView.text = ad.title
descriptionView.text = ad.body
callToActionView.text = ad.callToAction
// Track impression
private fun createInteractionListener(): RTBNativeAdInteractionDelegate {
return object : RTBNativeAdInteractionDelegate {
override fun nativeAdDidRecordClick(nativeAd: RTBNativeAd, networkName: String) {
// Native ad recorded click
override fun nativeAdDidPauseForAd(nativeAd: RTBNativeAd, networkName: String) {
// The app paused after the user clicked on the ad
override fun nativeAdDidResumeAfterAd(nativeAd: RTBNativeAd, networkName: String) {
// The app resumed after returning from ad