Through the use of RTBFullscreenDelegate, you can listen to the different callbacks.
fullscreenAd.delegate = this
Request Ad
To load a fullscreen ad, you will need to pass an instance of RTBFullscreenRequestConfiguration with placementID and the bundleId. Please contact our support for getting the needed IDs.
You will be notified about the loading success/failure through the RTBFullscreenDelegate
Show Ad
After the ad gets loaded, it can be presented by calling:
The currency of bidFloor and priceCPM parameters is USD.
Complete Code Example
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), RTBFullscreenDelegate {
private var fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
fullscreenAd = RTBFullscreenAd(this)
// Set the interstitial delegate to listen to events
fullscreenAd?.delegate = this
// Request a fullscreen ad using the placement ID and bundle ID
val rtbFullscreenRequestConfiguration = RTBFullscreenRequestConfiguration(placementId, bundleId)
rtbFullscreenRequestConfiguration.sellerId = "<SELLERID>" // Optional
// RTBFullscreenDelegate implementation:
override fun fullscreenAdDidReceiveAd(fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd, bidInfo: RTBBidInfo, networkName: String)
// An ad has been loaded
// Show the ad:
override fun fullscreenAdDidFailToReceiveAd(fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd, error: String, networkName: String) {
// Failed to load an ad
override fun fullscreenAdDidRecordClick(fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd, networkName: String) {
// The ad received a click
override fun fullscreenAdDidPauseForAd(fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd, networkName: String) {
// The app paused for displaying a fullscreen ad
override fun fullscreenAdDidResumeAfterAd(fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd, networkName: String) {
// The app resumed after dismissing a fullscreen ad