Fullscreen (Interstitial)

Integrate fullscreen ads

This guide shows you how to integrate fullscreen ads of RTBSDK into your app.

Create RTBFullscreenAd Instance

Create an instance of RTBFullscreenAd:

val fullscreenAd = RTBFullscreenAd(this)

Listen to Callbacks

Through the use of RTBFullscreenDelegate, you can listen to the different callbacks.

fullscreenAd.delegate = this

Request Ad

To load a fullscreen ad, you will need to pass an instance of RTBFullscreenRequestConfiguration with placementID and the bundleId. Please contact our support for getting the needed IDs.

val rtbFullscreenRequestConfiguration = RTBFullscreenRequestConfiguration(placementId, bundleId)
rtbFullscreenRequestConfiguration.sellerId = "<SELLERID>" // Optional

You will be notified about the loading success/failure through the RTBFullscreenDelegate

Show Ad

After the ad gets loaded, it can be presented by calling:


The currency of bidFloor and priceCPM parameters is USD.

Complete Code Example

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), RTBFullscreenDelegate {

    private var fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd? = null

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        fullscreenAd = RTBFullscreenAd(this)

        // Set the interstitial delegate to listen to events
        fullscreenAd?.delegate = this

        // Request a fullscreen ad using the placement ID and bundle ID
        val rtbFullscreenRequestConfiguration = RTBFullscreenRequestConfiguration(placementId, bundleId)
        rtbFullscreenRequestConfiguration.sellerId = "<SELLERID>" // Optional

    // RTBFullscreenDelegate implementation:
    override fun fullscreenAdDidReceiveAd(fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd, bidInfo: RTBBidInfo, networkName: String)
        // An ad has been loaded
        // Show the ad:

    override fun fullscreenAdDidFailToReceiveAd(fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd, error: String, networkName: String) {
        // Failed to load an ad

    override fun fullscreenAdDidRecordClick(fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd, networkName: String) {
        // The ad received a click

    override fun fullscreenAdDidPauseForAd(fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd, networkName: String) {
        // The app paused for displaying a fullscreen ad

    override fun fullscreenAdDidResumeAfterAd(fullscreenAd: RTBFullscreenAd, networkName: String) {
        // The app resumed after dismissing a fullscreen ad


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