Creates in-feed banner placement with given name. Also applies the passed configuration.
placementName (REQUIRED)
string. Unique name of placement. The same name will be used in account.
configuration (REQUIRED)
The JSON object containing configuration. Set parameters listed below, otherwise AATKit uses default values.
int numberOfWorkers - Determines the number of ad requests that can be made simultaneously.
bool manualAdSpaceCounting - Determines if manual adspace counting should be used.
bool reloadOnFail - Determines if the ad should be reloaded when request fails or cache doesn't contain any ad. If this parameter isn't defined, AATKit will reload ad by default.
int cacheSize - Determines how many ads should be pre-loaded.
int creativeHistorySize – Enables the banner creative history.
string[] bannerSizes - Array containing banner sizes. Only ads with defined sizes will be loaded. If this parameter isn't defined, AATKit will load all sizes.
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